Home 9 Luxury Real Estate 9 Dubai: the country of luxury real estate

Dubai: the country of luxury real estate

In the heart of the United Arab Emirates, the city of Dubai, with its huge skyscrapers, strikes with its astonishing modernity, and makes dream thanks to its luxurious real estate, and its opening on the sea. Many apartments and villas are equipped with high-end services (gym, swimming pool, spacious garage …).

All nationalities invest in Dubai, and we understand why: in addition to a luxury real estate particularly present, a dynamic economy, the city has a postcard frame. The presence on the spot can be idyllic, and the resale, or the seasonal hiring to the wealthy tourists, are easily practicable.

The tax benefits to the purchase of real estate in Dubai will leave the most fortunate voiceless: there is no income tax, solidarity tax on wealth, corporate tax, and no more than VAT or capital gains tax. There is also no property tax, housing tax and CSG CRDS. Ah! And there is no inheritance tax either.

However, France still imposes real estate located in Dubai under the ISF.

In 2020, Dubai will host the World Expo. This city of all superlatives will be more than ever breathtaking: the latest project, planned for 2020 precisely, would be that of the Dubai Creek Tower, a tall tower of one kilometer!